Johnny Depp Allegedly Had A Meltdown After Losing Libel Case, Could Star Drinking Again

Johnny Depp, allegedly, had a massive meltdown after the London court ruled in favor of The Sun in his libel case.
Depp filed a lawsuit against the publication for calling him a wife-beater. But Judge Justice Nicol revealed that the allegations are true, and Depp must have physically abused his ex-wife, Amber Heard.
According to Globe, Depp’s friends and family are worried that he could go on a downward spiral after the ruling. And it’s also, allegedly, possible for the actor to start drinking again.
Depp is also, allegedly, worried about his career after he was asked to quit Fantastic Beasts. Prior to the ruling, Depp was already axed from Pirates of the Caribbean after Heard revealed that the actor hit her several times during their heated fights.
A source told the tabloid that Depp did everything that he can to make sure that he would win over the publication and Heard. And when he didn’t, he doesn’t, allegedly, know what to do.
The actor said that he would appeal his case in court. And he still has an ongoing defamation case against the Aquaman star.
But before the hearing takes place, friends of the actor are, allegedly, worried about him. They’re also, allegedly, hoping that Depp would be able to bounce back before he becomes consumed by alcohol and drugs.
Meanwhile, Nicol previously called Depp a monster, and he also said that what Heard endured in the hands of her ex-husband must have been terrifying.
In his ruling, Nicol said that Depp’s claims that Heard left feces on their hotel bed couldn’t have possibly been true. After all, the actress was the one that stayed in the hotel room while Depp was away.
As such, it would’ve been difficult for Heard to stay in a room with the smell of feces just so she could get back at her ex-husband.
In related news, there are also speculations that Depp could go broke after losing his case against The Sun. According to National Enquirer, the Edward Scissorhands star allotted $100 million for his budget in the libel case.
He’s also spending a huge sum of money on his defamation case against Heard.
And quitting Fantastic Beasts and not getting cast in big roles will also affect the actor’s finances.
However, it is also important to note that Depp’s net worth is estimated at $200 million. So, it’s highly likely for him to be financially secured for life.