Matthew Perry Still Regrets His Decision To Breakup With Julia Roberts Amid Fears That She’ll Split From Him First?

Matthew Perry allegedly regrets his decision to split from Julia Roberts.
An unnamed source told Woman’s Day that ending the relationship is something that Perry still hasn’t gotten over today.
And if he could only turn back the hands of time, he would right his wrong.
In his memoir, Perry revealed that he and Roberts had a brief relationship. But he decided to call it quits because he knew that it wouldn’t take long before Roberts split from him.
“I had been constantly certain that she was going to break up with me. I wasn’t enough, I was broken, I was bent, I was unlovable. So, instead of facing the inevitable agony of losing her, I broke up with her. I can’t begin to describe the look of confusion on her face,” he said.
Five years later, Perry joked about wanting Roberts back. But the exes never reconciled. After all, the actor was still in and out of rehab at the time.
Eventually, Roberts ended up with her now husband Danny Moder. And they couldn’t be happier with each other. But even if this is the case, some tabloids still insist that they have issues in their marriage.
Last week, the same tabloid claimed that Moder went MIA while Roberts was promoting her new movie, Ticket to Paradise. And his decision not to join his wife on tour seemed suspicious.
“People are starting to talk. They’ve been apart a lot this year. First, there was Julia’s work in Australia, which Danny visited but wasn’t able to stay for long. And then right when Julia’s publicity commitments were about to begin, tragedy struck their family,” the source said.
However, one should take the tabloid’s claims with a grain of salt. It’s not true that Roberts and Moder are facing some problems in their marriage. This storyline has been going around for years and if they were true, the couple would’ve already been divorced by now.
It’s not also true that Perry regrets splitting from Roberts. It is possible that his gutfeel was right that the actress would break up with him anyway because he was unstable and was still dealing with his addiction when they dated.
Unfortunately, only Perry knows the truth and the tabloids cannot speak on his behalf.