Barack Obama, Michelle Obama Allegedly On A Trial Separation To Save Their Marriage And Avoid An Embarrassing Divorce

Barack Obama and Michelle Obama are allegedly on a trial separation after getting into several arguments in recent years.
In its Sept. 5 issue, Globe claimed that the Obamas want to avoid getting an embarrassing divorce so they decided to have a trial separation instead. Having one means that they can have some time apart and ensure that they wouldn’t keep butting heads at home.
“Whenever they’re together, they just seem to annoy each other. Even though they’ve been pretty good at playing up for cameras, the cracks have begun to show,” the source said.
The insider claimed that one of the couple’s issues has to do with Michelle always wanting to outdo her husband.
“Michelle’s so amped up on being a power player in Hollywood, she doesn’t have time to listen to Barack whine about politics,” the source said.
The insider added that the Obamas’ issues became much worse after their daughters, Malia and Sasha left for college. After all, this meant that the couple was always around each other.
Barack and Michelle also allegedly argue over how their daughters spend their money. And one of them is stricter than the other. Michelle is the one who expects Barack to intervene more and prevent Malia and Sasha from depleting their savings.
“They’ve concluded it’s better for her to get on with her business in Hollywood and for him to stay on the East Coast. Besides, she wants to be closer to the girls in L.A. and keep an eye on them,” the source said.
This isn’t the first time that the Obamas were rumored to be having problems in their marriage. In fact, the same tabloid has been insisting that Michelle and Barack have been wanting to get a divorce for years. However, they have never proven their claims.
If anything, Barack and Michelle became much closer to each other after their daughters left for college. The couple previously revealed that they enjoy their time with each other so much now that Barack is no longer in the White House.
There’s also no indication that Barack and Michelle’s daughters have been spending their money on useless and expensive things. And even if they are, it’s their money so they can do whatever they want with it.