Meghan Markle Allegedly Lied About Her ‘Cinderella’ Story To Get Sympathy From Royal Fans

Meghan Markle’s credibility is being questioned now more than ever after her lies to the court were busted.
In its Nov. 29 issue, Globe claimed that Markle also lied about her Cinderella story to get the sympathy of the public.
Shortly after Markle and Prince Harry’s relationship made headlines, the Duchess of Sussex claimed that she grew up poor to parents that were both hardworking.
So, royal experts initially thought that Markle was lucky to have met Prince Harry because her story started from rags turned to riches.
However, a source for the tabloid claimed that this isn’t entirely the case. Even though Markle’s family wasn’t rich, she lived a pretty good and comfortable life.
“The former Suits actress likes to play Cinderella, insisting she’s a poor girl who luckily got a rich prince to find her slipper. But since her fairytale marriage came true, she’s been a stuck-up wicked witch who drove palace staffers to quit with her demands and shoddy treatment while pretending to care about regular struggling folks,” the tabloid said.
Markle’s decision to wear expensive jewelry. when she visited a school in Harlem was also criticized by the tabloid. They said that what Markle did was a slap on the children’s faces.
“On top of her phony ‘woke’ image, she’s cooked up a resume to make it look like she came from rags, claiming she was so poor she had to survive on a $4.95 Sizzler restaurant salad bars and work in a yogurt shop at 13,” the source said.
But the truth is, Markle’s parents reportedly treated her like a princess from the start. They sent her to an expensive private school.
On top of this, the tabloid also slammed Markle for writing a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to ask for paid parental leave. They said that this was Markle’s way of showing the world that she’s just all the other moms out there when in fact, she has nannies that take care of her children.
The criticisms being thrown at Prince Harry’s wife are not new. But they appear to have worsened shortly after Markle admitted that she forgot an important detail regarding her involvement in Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand’s book, Finding Freedom.
As of late, it’s still unclear if Markle’s case against Daily Mail will head to trial. But all signs are pointing in this direction.