Robert Pattinson Destroys Microwave Trying To Reimagine Pasta

Robert Pattinson is in the news again, but it is not because of any developments connected to his role as Batman. The 34-year-old is being talked about because of an unusual dish he concocted that ended up destroying a microwave.
As reported in Entertainment Weekly, Pattinson revealed the incident during a recent GQ profile. During his time hanging out with the GQ reporter, Pattinson mused about how pasta lacked the “fast-food credentials” that more common fare that burgers and pizza had.
Pattinson apparently ended up creating a dish he calls the “Piccolini Cuscino,” Italian for “little pillow.” The actor demonstrated how the dish can be made to the GQ. Those interested in cooking only need bread crumbs, nine packs of pre-sliced cheese, an unspecified pasta sauce, half a bun, sugar, and an unspecified kind of pasta.
In the feature, Pattinson cooks his pasta in the microwave. While preparing that, he makes a “hollowed-out sphere” of aluminum foil where he puts in the cooked pasta. After that, he puts in the sugar, cheese, and the unspecified pasta sauce. The bun is then put on top of all of that, with Pattinson burning the initials “PC” on it with a lighter.
The recipe goes horribly wrong when he puts in the aluminum foil and pasta into the microwave. As GQ describes it, a “lightning bolt” erupts from the microwave, followed by “stray flickers of light and sound” before it finally goes dark.
As Page Six points out, the crazy pasta concoction has caused people to try and reproduce the recipe. Mel Magazine has done its own version of the recipe, with the writer remarking that the “Piccolini Cuscino” tastes like a sweeter baked ziti.
Meanwhile, the website Man Repeller also tried to make the dish but substituting a number of ingredients. The site called the final product “really terrible.” The Guardian also tried recreating the dish with the closest possible ingredients. The newspaper called the end product “edible” and “not as terrible” as they thought it would be.
Of course, part of the reason why Pattinson was featured in GQ was because of his bagging the lead role in the new Batman film. The film was one of the many movies whose release dates have changed because of the coronavirus pandemic. Rather than premiere on Jun. 25, 2021 as originally planned, the movie will now premiere on Oct. 1, 2021.
Of course, it still remains to be seen if that Oct. 2021 premiere will also push through as the number of COVID-19 cases around the world continues to rise. According to the World Health Organization’s May 14 status report, there are now 4,248,389 confirmed COVID-19 cases around the world. The number of people that have died from COVID-19 is now at 292,046 people.