Mike Pence's Press Secretary Katie Miller Tests Positive For Coronavirus

Earlier this week, one of the president's valets tested positive, making Miller the second White House staff member to have tested positive for the deadly virus this week. In a White House meeting with Republican members of Congress, Trump said after testing negative for the virus for a long time, Katie, who is a wonderful young woman has tested positive.
Although Miller has not come in contact with Trump, she has constantly been in touch with Pence. Aside from that, she was in contact with press members regularly, which is why the White House is now providing more coronavirus testing to journalists, a White House official told CNN's Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta.
Katie is married to Stephen Miller, who serves as the president's senior adviser. Pence was slated to take a flight to Iowa on Friday morning when people were spotted leaving the Air Force Two before the plane took off the runway at Joint Base Andrews, which is located just outside Washington.
A senior administration official informed the press pool on Air Force Two that one of Pence's staffers has tested negative for coronavirus Thursday and positive the next day, without divulging the name of the Vice President's aide at the time. Not aboard the plane, Katie was likely to have come in contact with six people slated to fly on the trip, and they were moved out before takeoff, a senior administration official said.
Later on Friday, the pool was informed that people who were removed from the plan were tested for coronavirus and have tested negative. Katie confirmed that she had tested positive via a tweet on Friday and thanked her supporters, and suggesting that she was in good condition.
Katie's positive test has triggered serious concerns among members in the West Wing of the White House, a White House source said. Speaking about her nature of communicating in person, the source said Miller meets a lot of people personally as part of her daily work. To make things worse, her husband also works in the building and has been inevitably in contact with Miller.
According to a senior White House official, following Katie Miller's positive test, a comprehensive contact tracing was carried out. Everyone she was in touch with, including her husband, didn't test positive for coronavirus, the senior White House official confirmed.
The White House is now making it compulsory for its staffers to wear masks in the White House residence while more coronavirus are been conducted and temperature checks have been increased in the West Wing, which is regularly sanitized.