Ron Johnson Acknowledges Biden As The President-Elect And Insists The Election Was Legitimate

Just one day after Electoral College confirmed Biden's victory in the 2020 presidential election, United States Senator Ron Johnson acknowledged the Democrat as the president-elect. Aside from that, he admitted that the recently concluded presidential election was legitimate.
At the same time, Johnson is also gearing up to hold a Senate hearing on Wednesday on irregularities in the election. He claims there are legitimate questions regarding how the election was carried out in several states, including Wisconsin.
During an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Johnson explained that he is trying to hold a straightforward hearing on what controls are there in place, what kind of frauds occur, and what can be done to avoid such frauds in the future. He insisted that there are unanswered questions about how the election is administrated.
In the same interview, Johnson admitted that he hadn't seen anything that would convince him that the overall national result would be reversed when asked if he thought the presidential election was legitimate. He also said he would not be objecting next month when Congress meets to compile the Electoral College votes.
Johnson noted that something major would need to surface that would raise questions regarding the election's legitimacy, confirming again that there is no evidence of voter fraud. President Donald Trump and his allies have been bringing in legal challenges in a bid to overturn the election results. Still, much to their chagrin, their legal battle has repeatedly run into dead ends, according to Financial Times.
After several weeks of raising questions or simply remaining mum, a considerable number of congressional Republicans are acknowledging Biden's win in the 2020 election since the Electoral College has voted. For the first time, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell acknowledged the former veep's victory and even congratulated him, BBC reported.
Noting that the Electoral College has spoken, McConnell said he wants to congratulate President-elect Biden. On top of that, he pointed out that Biden has devoted himself to the public's service for several years and congratulated Vice President-elect Kamala Harris as well.
Trump, on the other hand, continues to accuse Democrats of stealing the election from him. The president still denies he lost the election and isn't willing to deviate from his dubious claims of widespread voter fraud.
Johnson, who serves as the chairman of the Senate homeland security committee, has held a hearing on the irregularities in the election on Wednesday. His witness includes three Republicans, former independent counsel Ken Starr, attorneys Jesse Binnall, Jim Troupis, and Pennsylvania state lawmaker Francis X. Ryan.