Joe Biden Says Trump Administration Has Made Sincere Effort To Begin The Transition Of Power

President-elect Joe Biden announced Tuesday that President Donald Trump's administration has already begun reaching out to his team, describing the outgoing administration's effort as "sincere." This comes a day after a federal agency issued a letter to formally initiate the transition of power.
The White House permitted the government's intelligence arm to give the president-elect the daily intelligence brief given to the president. This was confirmed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence after Democratic and Republican lawmakers agreed the step was necessary, The Wall Street Journal reported.
Biden said that the national security shop reached out to his team just across the board in an interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt. He said that the outgoing administration is already working out his ability to get presidential daily briefs and working out meeting with the White House coronavirus team.
Besides that, Biden said his team has started meeting the COVID team to discuss how to distribute and get from a COVID-19 vaccine being distributed to an individual able to get vaccinated. He confirmed that America would not be as far behind the curve as the previously thought before admitting that the outreach has been sincere, and he doesn't expect it to be begrudging.
Biden, who admitted he hasn't spoken with Trump directly since the election results were declared, said the incoming administration couldn't be touted as a third Obama term considering the world has changed significantly during the Trump years. In his interview, he said the situation today is different than it was during the Obama/Biden administration, noting that Trump has changed the landscape.
The Democrat accused Trump of making America first to America alone during his presidency. The president refuses to acknowledge that he lost the election and pushed his legal drive to reverse the outcome. On the night of the election, Trump said he won and even warned about going to the Supreme Court to block vote counting, according to Independent.
Despite Trump's resistance, multiple states have certified their election results. GSA (General Services Administration) head Emily Murphy informed Biden that the official governmental transition process could begin after weeks of delay. The announcement came after Michigan certified its results earlier this week.
Murphy released a letter saying the apparent president-elect will now have access to the federal funds and other resources to help with the transition process. She denied that the White House pressured her to delay the transition process.