Prince Harry Defends Himself After Being Accused Of Not 'Backing Up' BBC Probe

Prince Harry has finally come out of the woodworks after being heavily criticized for not ‘backing up’ older brother Prince William in the ongoing investigation of Martin Bashir’s Panorama interview with their late mother.
According to sources, the media is forcing a wedge between the brother’s relationship by incessantly reporting Prince Harry less than stellar support on the BBC probe.
The Times report that Prince Harry is getting constant updates as the investigation goes on and is in close contact with his uncle, Charles Spencer, Princess Diana’s little brother.
A source told The Times that the Prince chose not to publicly speak about his views on the ongoing Panorama controversy Instead, he has lent his support to his brother and Uncle in private.
“Harry is getting regular updates and is aware of everything that is happening. You do not need a public statement to imagine how he is feeling privately. People know how much his mother means to him,” The source said.
Prince William has spoken out about the BBC probe and is fully supportive of the whole process. It is reported that the 2nd-in-line to the throne was in contact with BBC bosses in the past two weeks, urging them to launch the investigation.
The Prince told People that BBC’s cooperation with the palace ‘is a step in the right direction.’ Furthermore, Charles Spencer has questioned the BBC for its lackluster actions.
The Panorama interview has been largely blamed as one of the reasons why Princess Diana’s relationship with the royal firm became unsalvageable.
Apparently, the host of the show, Martin Bashir, curates several faked bank statements that showed private personnel of Princess Diana’s team under payroll from media.
Bashir presented these alleged statements to Princess Diana and Charles Spencer, pushing them to get Diana’s side out to the public and agreeing to a controversial tell-all interview.
This drove the royal firm to completely cut off Diana and also start the divorce process between her and Prince Charles. It has also been rumored to have massively affected Harry and William’s opinion of their mother.
Sources have also spoken out about how this probe is a reminder of ‘negativity’ for Prince Harry, who has spoken out several times on his traumatic view on the events leading up to the divorce of his parents and death of his mother.
Despite Prince Harry residing in California now, the Duke is fully backing the ongoing Panorama investigation and probe.