The White House announced Monday that President Donald Trump's sporadic coronavirus briefing is back on, a change in plan that happened hours after the Trump administration called off its upcoming press conference.

The White House retraced its steps Monday with a briefing which was followed by a Fox News interview with press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who indicated that this week's coronavirus briefings may be different from earlier briefings. Just about an hour of this meeting, the White House distributed an upgraded daily schedule that didn't comprise the day's press conference.

Later that day, McEnany announced that the president would interact with the press as scheduled earlier via a tweet. McEnany wrote on Twitter that the White House has included more testing guidance along with a slew of other safety-related announcements for safely reopening America.

The former CNN contributor posted on Twitter that the POTUS will address the nation during a press conference in the evening. Trump's briefings have faced strong criticism recently, especially after he advised Americans to inject or ingest disinfectants to kill coronavirus.

Trump later tried amending his statement by deeming it as sarcasm, but only ended up garnering hard criticism from health experts and lawmakers. After advising Americans to consume disinfectants on Thursday, Trump's Friday briefing was the shortest yet, with the president refraining from taking questions from the assembled press.

The weekend briefings were canceled, triggering speculations that the White House had realized that the press conferences were merely acting as a drag on Trump's approval ratings. During her interview with Fox News, McEnany said the White House plans to show off President Trump's great entrepreneurship in other ways.

She added that the briefings are an important element of that as it enables the president to speak to the American people without prevarication, Politico reported. McEnany said the media needs to refrain from reach conclusions based on what's happening, but rather consider this as an opportunity for Trump to interact with the public through the CEO meeting and briefings that are slated to take place later in the week.

McEnany said she will not get ahead of the upcoming briefings, adding that they may have a different look. Without divulging more details about the announcements, she said the president will be briefing the people this week. McEnany admitted that a large number of people tune in to watch Trump and see his leadership. She was named national press secretary for Trump's 2020 presidential campaign in Feb. last year.