Royal Shock: Palace Was Preparing Prince Harry To Be King After Corona Virus Hit Prince William and Charles

The reality of Prince William contracting the Corona Virus last April has finally donned on the British public and the British media.
Several questions have been raised regarding the palace's reason, making it a secret and not announcing to the public the current state of Prince William’s health.
Buckingham Palace has revealed that the reason or their decision was ‘as to not alarm the nation,’ but this has only gathered much scrutiny from the media and the Britons.
According to royal reporter Richard Palmer, the Britons expect transparency from the royal family, especially from Prince William, who takes pride in his relations with the public and the media.
“The UK expects honesty from public figures, particularly during a pandemic. This may be a cover-up that will haunt William and those advising him,” Palmer said on a report by Marieclaire.
The Sun reported that the Palace has confirmed that Prince William’s wife, Kate Middleton, fortunately, did not contract the virus. The same goes for their three royal children.
But people are demanding for Buckingham Palace to reveal more information about William’s battle with Corona.
It is believed that Prince William’s state was considered severe as there was a point where the Prince was ‘struggling to breathe.’
The Prince was treated in the palace under the care of palace doctors. Sources share that the 2nd-in-line to the throne followed government-imposed rules regarding Corona and was under quarantine for 14 days.
Fears over the Prince’s state last April was said to be horrid and that the royal family members were extremely worried about the two direct heirs to the throne getting Corona.
Queen Elizabeth was particularly inconsolable when she heard the news that her son, Prince Charles and grandson, Prince William, battled the virus.
Sources alleged that the Palace was preparing for the worst if things did not go well for the two Princes, including most likely crowning Prince Harry as King until Prince George turns 18.
With the revelation of this news, the United Kingdom is once again preparing to go under lockdown for one month after there was an increase in the daily cases of corona in the country.
As for the reason why the palace just revealed the truth about Prince William’s Corona diagnosis is unsure, royal experts believe this was a show of resilience to those who are battling the virus and to the nation.