Crown Princess Mary Allegedly Seething At Meghan Markle For Quitting The Firm

Crown Princess Mary and Meghan Markle couldn’t, reportedly, be more different from one another.
According to royal commentator Phil Dampier, Crown Princess Mary has always been dedicated to serving Queen Margrethe. In fact, she even participated in the so-called royal Bootcamp after she wed Crown Prince Frederik.
Markle, on the other hand, has always been reluctant to be part of the royal family. In fact, she already decided to quit The Firm even before she familiarized herself with the ins and out of the palace.
Dampier said that he thinks Crown Princess Mary looks at what Markle did and is horrified by her decision to quit. She must also feel that Prince Harry and Markle let Queen Elizabeth down.
The royal commentator’s sentiments seem personal, but New Idea seemingly claimed that this wasn’t the case. The tabloid published a misleading headline claiming that Markle and Crown Princess Mary are feuding with each other when they’re not.
Dampier simply talked about the two women’s differences, as well as their differing standpoints as members of the royal family.
Meanwhile, the royal commentator also said that he thinks Crown Princess Mary understood what it means to become part of the Danish royal family. After all, she completely surrendered her life to the royal family after she wed her husband.
Markle, on the other hand, tried to mix her royal life with her former life as an actress. But this didn’t work out for her so she decided to choose one over the other.
Dampier said that if Crown Princess Mary did a Meghan, this would mean that she would only be part of the Danish royal family for two years. And then she would lure Crown Prince Frederik into joining her in Australia.
However, doing so would mean that Crown Princess Mary would be taking her husband away from his family and from his destiny.
“I don’t think Mary has ever met Meghan, so she would not want to judge her too harshly, but I’m sure she won’t be impressed by her quitting the royal family after less than two years. I’m sure she thinks that Meghan has done the wrong thing,” Dampier said.
The royal commentator also made it clear that the two women have never met. So, the tabloid’s headline about Crown Princess Mary and Markle feuding couldn’t have been accurate.
New Idea even claimed that their feud is a secret because there’s not much information they can use to support their claim. There’s no feud after all.