Mo Brooks Says Joe Biden's Policies Are Dead Wrong, While Donald Trump's Policies Are Right For America

Multiple polls suggest Democratic nominee Joe Biden is leading President Donald Trump in several key states, making his chance of winning this year's presidential election relatively weaker than in 2016. However, several experts have indicated that polls do not guarantee a win when it comes to the election, and there is a possibility that the president might win this year as well despite trailing his rival in crucial states.
While there's no dearth of anti-Trump supporters, there are still a considerable number of voters and leaders that support the president's 2020 reelection bid. United States Representative Mo Brooks has been one of Trump's staunch supporters and recently explained why he thinks Trump should again be the United States president.
Brooks said he supports Trump for president because he thinks his policies are ideal for the United States, while Biden's policies are absolutely incorrect. He said America is one of the world's greatest nation, and many people envy its standard of living, and its military prowess, liberty, and individual freedoms are unparalleled.
He went on to point out that the nation's foundational principles provide liberty and freedom that allow them to excel collectively. Moreover, since it is a republic, Americans control the government. On top of that, their Bill of Rights keeps individual liberty safe from excessive government power and is based on the theory that a government capable of giving the people everything is equally capable of taking away everything they have, Fox News reported.
In addition to that, Brooks noted that its moral value guides America's economic and military power and the nation's free enterprise economy has made them the greatest economic superpower in the world. He went on to suggest that the great nation is at risk, adding that great nations first weaken from the inside before falling.
Last month, Brooks took to his Twitter account to support Trump's efforts to protect American citizens’ 14th Amendment Equal Protection, which stresses on one-person, one-vote right. In his tweet, Brooks said that is why they decided to sue in federal court to not include illegal aliens from census apportionment counts.
.@AGSteveMarshall & I support President Trump’s efforts to protect American citizens’ 14th Amendment Equal Protection, one-person, one-vote right. That’s why we sued in federal court to exclude illegal aliens from census apportionment counts.
— Mo Brooks (@RepMoBrooks) October 30, 2020
On Sunday, about 200 people visited Big Spring Park in Huntsville to support Trump, and Waff 48 reported that another group tried to sabotage the event, but that permit was denied. According to Brooks, they did not get the permit to set up loudspeakers, who was the main speaker for the Trump rally. Brooks also told the outlet Huntsville Police officers arrested several counter-protesters.