Prince Harry Is Equally To Blame For 'Megxit', So Why Is Meghan Getting All The Hate?

‘Megxit’ became one of the biggest issues in the UK, not only for the royal firm but as well as for the Britons themselves.
The harrowing reality of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle leaving the royal family to pursue their commercial dreams became unbearable for many Britons, royal fans and alike.
Meghan Markle joining the royal firm became more and more scandalous as rumors of their exit became more obvious in the past year.
Speaking to Express UK, brand and management expert Eric Shiffer believes that Meghan Markle is being blamed by the majority of the Britons for Prince Harry’s involvement in merchandising their royal status.
He explains that Meghan’s sudden appearance in Harry's life, especially the fact that she was a famous hungry Hollywood actress, makes her an easy target for the horrendous allegations thrown at the pair.
Meghan Markle, who is also non-British and had no royal connection, seemed like a bad choice for a wife for Prince Harry.
But Mr. Shiffer alleges that Prince Harry is equally to blame for the negative effect their exit has caused the royal firm and has made the Britons ‘barking mad’.
Their success in the United States is hugely due to Meghan Markle’s popularity and her connections in the Hollywood circle. Their deal with Netflix would not have happened, Shiffer says.
He continued to say that it is absolute that Meghan is getting blamed furiously for Harry’s own decision.
Several rumors had circulated that the plans of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle leaving the royal firm has been in the works even before they got married.
These rumors have neither been confirmed nor debunked by the palace and the Sussex’s camp. But it is a well-known fact that their eventual exit was caused primarily by the royal firm's lack of support.
There are allegations that Prince Harry is to return to the UK following their massive and scandalous deal with Netflix and their engagements with several political powers.
Prince Harry is said to have a grilling talk with the Queen but has opted not to stay in any royal properties.
As the Sandringham Summit will soon occur again, there is an urgency to reconcile Prince Harry’s relationship with the other royal members, especially his older brother Prince William.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are currently based in Santa Barbara, California, in the US.