Kim Kardashian Considers 'Best Birthday Present' Given By The US Library of Congress

Kim Kardashian West thanked the U.S. Library of Congress for sending her the best birthday gift. The reality TV personality turned 40-year-old on Oct. 21 and tweeted being over the moon following the news regarding the Armenian Genocide.
The previously used term for the catalog entry used to be "Armenian Massacre, 1915-1923," which has been now changed to "Armenian Genocide, 1915-1923." The amendment took place following the Senate and House passed the legislation that recognized the Armenian Genocide last year.
It is worth noting that they both are equal partners in the process and none of the legislation can be enacted without both the chambers' consent. Given that, the decision seemed to be overwhelmingly for many people.
The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star considered this amendment as a gift to her by the United States Library of Congress and called it the best birthday present she could ever get. She addressed this news as a landmark and said that it was announced for almost one year.
"This landmark news was announced nearly one year after recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the U.S. Congress and in the setting of the recent devastating attacks on Armenians in Artsakh," she added in the series of tweets.
She also thanked all the Library of Congress members individually, Congress members, and tagged @UCLA with @ANCA_DC to appreciate their work. She acknowledged how tirelessly they worked on the amendment and the efforts they put to work in Armenians' favor.
The media personality is also an Armenian because of her father. Kardashian has been actively participating in the topic since 2019. She went on to reveal that she has been still praying for many women, men, and kids who are still suffering due to the impact of the war.
She addressed every Armenian family as one "global Armenian nation." Kardashian is active on social media and helped the Armenia Fund by donating $1 million during the ongoing difficulties in the country.
The former Dancing with the Stars contestant celebrated her birthday with her close friends and family members. As per the source, the television personality flew for the celebration to a close island as she wanted to celebrate the special day with only those people who mean most to her. The star recently posted a picture on Instagram with her family members rocking the cowboy style look.