Truth About Pierce Brosnan Planning To Leave Acting

An article claimed 365 days ago that Pierce Brosnan was all set to leave Hollywood for good and planned to relocate to Hawaii. Here is the complete story about the former James Bond.
Last year, a magazine insisted that Brosnan did not want to be associated with the show business any longer. He, reportedly, made up his mind to quit acting after the Malibu fires.
Allegedly, a source told the publication that he and his wife were requesting their pals to go and visit them in Hawaii. The couple wanted to stay away from Hollywood and had planned to shift to Hawaii for good.
It seems Brosnan was no longer interested in continuing with his acting profession and wanted to be away from it at all costs. While the story sounded idyllic, reports have it that the former James Bond had recently bought a new house. Also, he had several new projects in his hands.
A representative of the Golden Eye actor told Gossip Cop that he was neither leaving Hollywood nor was he shifting to Hawaii permanently. The actor has been tied up with multiple projects since this alleged news of his retirement.
Brosnan completed his work in the film The King’s Daughter and also appeared in Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga. The demand for him has not diminished and he is slated to act in various upcoming movies, including a new film Cinderella.
The fact is that Pierce Brosnan is acting in more projects than ever before. So, the news of him leaving Hollywood was undoubtedly incorrect. Also, he revealed to The Guardian in July this year that he has no intention to retire from acting.
It seems that he will never leave Hollywood and settle down in Hawaii, contrary to what the report suggested last year. The publication has a habit of publishing stories on actors quitting Hollywood.
They had previously claimed that Steve Harvey was all set to quit acting and shifting to Georgia and shoot for Family Feud with complete focus. The publication also claimed that Bruce Willis planned to quit Hollywood and relocate to Idaho just because he quarantined there with his former wife, Demi More.
However, Harvey and Willis are still working on several projects like Brosnan and are unlikely to let go of their livelihoods shortly.
The tabloid also published an incorrect report on James Bond actor Daniel Craig. An article contended that he was boozing excessively and his marriage could end because of that.
As of date, there is no solid piece of evidence to substantiate that Pierce Brosnan was quitting Hollywood for good and planning to live in Hawaii permanently.