Selena Gomez Once Signed A $10 million Deal With A Struggling Brand

Celebrities endorse products that they usually rely on to maintain their lavish lifestyles. On the other hand, strategically placed product images are often linked to significant paydays that might be slightly shading their actual reviews. Selena Gomez once endorsed a dying fashion brand, and it was immediately clear that the money was the driving force behind her decision.
Gomez’s ability to lure impressive endorsement deals reached a turning point when a struggling brand approached her, hoping to radically overhaul their rundown reputation, according to Yahoo! Finance. In 2016, "The Heart Wants What It Wants" songstress signed a whopping $10 million deal with Coach.
With a staggering 104 million Instagram followers at the time, Gomez had grabbed the top spot on the photo and video sharing platform for popularity two years in a row. Despite promising financial outlooks, luxury brand Coach was facing a rough patch that didn't seem to clear up.
The brand's collaboration with Gomez came in the middle of a three-year rebranding attempt that The Washington Post says also included influencing customers with gimmicky sales while revamping their looks in a bid to align with younger consumers’ aesthetics.
Aside from that, they acquired Kate Spade in another expansion to carter a hipper segment of consumers, and much to their relief, these efforts were successful and they were able to increase the sale, meaning collaborating with Gomez wasn't a bad idea.
The 28-year-old singer has been in the limelight for years. In 2007, she got a role on Disney’s Wizards of Waverly Place, and to this day, she attributes her role on the series to her professional growth and credits it for helping her build her skills. By the time she left the show in 2012, Gomez was a 19-year-old pop star with a rapidly growing fan base.
The initial hard work in the spotlight helped her in a big way. Aside from the profits from her musical career and acting roles, Gomez had started accepting producing and writing jobs as well. She even executive produced the season 2 of Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why, which boosted her net worth. She is currently worth $60 million.
As someone having her hand in multiple entertainment segments, brands saw her as an ideal promoter of their products. Gomez's endorsement would trigger a ripple effect in several markets of buyers considering that she has a massive fan base from different roles of her career.