‘Digimon Adventure’ Episode 19 Preview Trailer, Release Date, Spoilers

Koshiro, Mimi, Sora, and Joe are sent to Shibuya, Tokyo, in the real world by Devimon in Digimon Adventure Episode 19. The episode is titled Howl, Jyuoken.
Warning: Spoilers ahead, read if you wish to know more
The official preview trailer for Digimon Adventure Episode 19 has been released, indicating what is in store for Taichi and company.
“Taichi and Yamato sneak into the enormous Valvemon. What is the truth that awaits them? Next time on Digimon Adventure: Howl, Jyuoken,” reads the preview text from the trailer.
Meanwhile, a Twitter user, Wikimon, shared the translation of Digimon Adventure Episode 19’s official synopsis. Devimon sends Sora, Mimi, Joe, and Koshiro to the real Shibuya in Tokyo. Elsewhere, Yamato and Taichi are in the desert.
Later, the duo encounters the massive Valvemon, which is transporting something inside. During the episode, it is revealed that Minotaurmon is the one who takes command of the troops that are being transported.
Several Troopmon attack Yamato, Taichi, Gabumon, and Agumon.
In the meantime, Coronamon, Leomon and Spadomon appear and rescue Taichi and his friends. They later leave the desert.
Leomon, who is the leader of the Resistance against Devimon, reveals that they were attempting to steal the package being carried by Valvemon. And it is likely connected to the Holy Digimon.
In the previous installment, a countdown starts as the electronic devices fail in the real world. Suddenly, Niddhogmon appears.
Niddhogmon announces that it is a Mega Digimon and surpasses the Ultimate Digimon. It is an existence that evolved further than an Ultimate Digimon.
Meanwhile, as the countdown continues, the Digimon starts to get more power and energy and even becomes hotter.
All Network Energy that has been initiated due to the disaster up until now is being charged by Niddhogmon. It is also revealed that Niddhogmon’s existence is also linked to the world.
Digimon Adventure Episode 19 is set to hit the airwaves on Saturday, Oct. 3, 2020. The episodes are currently streaming on Crunchyroll for online viewing.
The cast members of Digimon Adventure anime include Yuko Sanpei as Taichi Yagami, Chika Sakamoto as Agumon, Daisuke Namikawa as Yamato Ishida, Mayumi Yamaguchi as Gabumon, Ryoko Shiraishi as Sora Takenouchi, Atori Shigematsu as Piyomon, Yumiko Kobayashi as Koshiro Izumi, Takahiro Sakurai as Tentomon, Marika Kono as Mimi Tachikawa, Kinoko Yamada as Palmon, Takeshi Kusao as Joe Kido and Junko Takeuchi as Gomamon.
Stay tuned for more Digimon Adventure news, updates, and spoilers.