Donald Trump's Chance To Get It Back On Track But Renewed Virus Fears Will Challenge

The first presidential debate is one of the most decisive points in the campaigns of the incumbents - President Donald Trump and his rival Joe Biden. The debate will essentially involve the efforts of the participants to prove the other one wrong while implying they are always on the side of good.
As per a political expert, Democrats would try their best to avoid competing with Trump and the company in the debate, on the other hand, the President would want the discussion to get as argumentative as possible so that the attention may be diverted to someplace else away from his bad-helming.
The sitting President and the former Vice President are in Ohio now preparing their skit to attack each other in the most effective manner imaginable.
The POTUS will shine light on mistakes Biden made as the Vice President of the country and why he is not eligible to run for office. To respond to that, Biden will come up with instances where due to Trump's loose approach the US had to suffer serious challenges and there are tons.
Coronavirus cases are on the rise again in some parts of America which is going to be one of the subjects of debate that President Trump has to necessarily prepare for.
The challenge is tough for the president however, it’s not only Donald Trump who has to worry about the outcomes of the debate.
As a matter of fact, Biden has also got some wrinkles to iron out. The Democratic party representatives Biden and Kamala Harris have made a few questionable mistakes during the campaigns that will also be put in the spotlight by Republicans to put them off their track for the debate.
The much-awaited debate session will take place in Cleveland Ohio at 9 pm ET today. The debate marks the Trump’s last opportunity to yank the presidential campaign his way.
Bill de Blasio, the current New York City mayor, spoke about what the rise in coronavirus cases means for the community. As per Blasio, everyone in the Big Apple has to stick together and do what the needful.
Shedding light on the pandemic concerns, Blasio said: “For the first time in months, you’re going to see a daily number over 3%. Obviously, everyone is concerned about that. That is something we all have to work on together to address and something that says to us we have to be on high alert to make sure we fight back this challenge.”
The tense landscape in the country is sure to aggravate the face of the debate. What remains to see is who can endure the pressure and who cracks down beneath it. For people, it is the right time and place to put their attention in order to pick who is right for them.