New Details From Prince Harry’s Private Birthday Celebration Revealed, Archie Has Special Participation

Prince Harry, reportedly, had a private and intimate birthday celebration on his 36th birthday.
Weeks after the bash, OK! magazine is sharing details on how the Duke and Duchess of Sussex celebrated the former’s special day. According to a source, the couple’s son, Archie also had special participation because he sang the “Happy Birthday” song for his dad.
“Meghan surprised Harry with an assortment of gifts and even baked him a gluten-free, vegan cake. After dinner, she and Archie sang ‘Happy Birthday’ and the household staff chimed in. Harry thought it was very sweet and festive,” the source said.
Despite the fun celebration, the source claimed that it’s still a far cry from Prince Harry’s previous birthdays.
“Normally, Harry spends his birthday at Buckingham Palace with his dad, Prince Charles, as well as Duchess Camilla and Queen Elizabeth. It was very emotional for him to not be able to do that this year. But he did get the chance to catch up with them over the phone and that brightened the mood,” the source said.
Prince William also, allegedly, called the Duke of Sussex on his birthday. And the latter couldn’t help but ask why the former snubbed Markle in his birthday greeting.
“During their chat, William brought up the alleged dig and insisted that he and his wife, Duchess Kate meant no disrespect by not including Meghan in the photo and that it was not deliberate. Harry is usually someone that takes everything to heart, but that was all he needed to hear. After that, the two continued to exchange pleasantries and Harry enjoyed the rest of his special day,” the source said.
Following his birthday, Prince Harry couldn’t, allegedly, help but look forward to the future.
“He and Meghan are gearing up to renovate part of their new home and he’s been happily going over all the plans. A lot of people dread getting older, but not Harry. He’s looking at 36 as a fresh start. He has no doubt that this will be his best year yet,” the source said.
As of late, Prince Harry and Markle haven’t shared details from the former’s birthday celebrations. As such, there’s no way for a tabloid to know what transpired during the very private and intimate gathering earlier this month.