Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Slammed For $500,000 Trip To Africa As Part Of Their Royal Tour, Branded Most Expensive Royal Tour By Palace

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex is currently under fire after it was revealed today the cost of their African trip last year. The couple who finished their royal duties after there announcement in January 2020 that they plan to step down from their senior duties later in the year.
The Africa tour was one of the last duties Harry and Meghan Markle attended to. The trip saw them visiting countries such as South Africa, Botswana, Angola and Malawi.
This specific trip was a great media success as announced by the royal palace, and it was praised by several royal members.
Yet, during the trip, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were also embroiled in a media row back in the United Kingdom.
Fans of the royals have now criticized the couple for having an extremely expensive trip last year. The Africa tour the couple had cost the UK taxpayers a whopping $500,000.
The cost has been defended by the royal palace, saying that it was a necessary expense and that it was approved by the financial department of the royal institution.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, together with their son, Archie Harrison undertook the royal tour, with the objective of raising awareness to numerous charities and organizations.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were able to attend 20 engagements during the Africa royal tour. Most importantly the Halo Trust, which was founded by Princess Diana was also highlighted during the trip.
A further $500,000 was also spent by royal officials during a two-day trip by Prince Charles to Oman.
The official visit by Prince Charles saw him and his several staff traveling via a chartered plane to Oman to pay respects after the death of the King of Oman.
$300,000 was spent for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s trip to Pakistan and was the third most expensive royal trip last year.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Africa tour was announced as the most expensive trip of the royal family last year, although it is good to note that the couple brought their son during the trip, leading to them bringing several private staff, in addition to the royal staff assigned to them.
The royal family makes numerous trips every year for several engagements. This has been known by the British taxpayers, many times the family charter planes and rents private jets to have a faster transit from one engagement to another.