Donald Trump Wasted Nearly $1 Billion On Campaigns, And He Is In Trouble Now

President Donald Trump is moving mountains to enhance his odds of re-election. In a way, the Head of Office began is campaign for the 2020 presidential election right after he moved into the White House in the year 2016.
From then till now, the United States President has raised over $1 billion to support and boost his campaigns, however, most of it has only gone down the drain without resulting in any significant improvement in campaigns.
Trump may want to say ‘don’t cry over the spilled milk,’ but it’s not as easy as it sounds. With October right around the corner, the 2020 presidential campaign has reached the most important phase of its lifecycle where a little move off to the left or right may prove to be decisive in who the voters chose for the country.
It’s unfortunate for Republicans that the Trump administration has run out of green to spend on the campaign. Before the major deficit problems start taking a toll on Trump, he has got to figure something out.
Biden — whose universe raised nearly $400 million in August, has got a strong competitive edge over the sitting President.
While, Biden will make use of his resources to increase his public interactions, media, TV, and everywhere possible to support his side of potential presidency, Trump will have figure out a way to spend wisely with meager resources to spend on the election campaign. He may even have to slow down his run during the campaign.
As per the polling results in August, Trump is lagging way behind Biden in terms of approval ratings. Trump’s approval rating below 50% which points out the need for more investment to boost the campaign, but Trump’s worry is that he has not got much left to spend.
The independent political strategist and The Lincoln Project co-founder, Reed Galen highlights that Trump is a natural extravagant, who focuses on his fortune but fails to manage the funds of others efficiently. As per Reed, the president will have to carefully pick up the venues of the campaign to spend on.
Reed Galen wrote, “Trump and his family business are known for both self-enrichment and wasting other people’s money. His campaign is incidental to fundraising.”
Due to the gushes of pandemic and Trump’s own style of working, his campaigns have not been very productive so far, but now it’s set to get worse. The last phase could see the toughest battle, but it doesn't seem likely now.