Social Media Giants Helping Voters Get More Insights For National Voter’s Day Registration

The Internet giant, Facebook has cleared up its agenda this time in regards to the election, political connections, and that it needs to serve the society what they deserve. Taking no chances, the Mark Zuckerburg company has initiated a multitude of campaigns to help voters get the correct knowledge they need of the voting systems, timings, election, results, and whatnot.
Instagram is a brand that comes under the umbrella of Facebook, so it was obvious for the picture blogging website to follow the suit. The user favorite platform is providing all the latest details of the election to voters. Facebook and Instagram are one thing, by one man - giving back to society.
On the other hand, Twitter which has always been pro-active towards its social duties - has participated in the pre-election voting awareness program to enable voters to make use of all the convenient facilities for registration and voting, etc. This is the reason that the microblogging website has garnered loads of praise which has motivated the moves to be of more use to the nation especially during these critical hours.
Joining hands with other social sites, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have come to provide voting resources for National Voter Registration Day to all interested.
There are deadlines for registration to vote in every state of the country, for example, the last date for registration for the state of Illinois is 18th October – the details of everything regarding election, deadlines, and like of the same can be found on the websites that also comes in very handy for the users. As a matter of fact, there are new tabs especially dedicated for voting purposes.
The approach also included blocking of misinformation dissemination on the platform. A week back, Twitter blocked a tweet from President Donald Trump. The message that Trump crafted was considered to be double-entendre – having a flip meaning to it which was to motivate people to vote twice in order to choose their leader.
Similarly, Facebook won’t be taking political advertisements in the last seven days to the election.
Facebook’s official statement placed on the microblogging platform reads, “Introducing the largest voting information campaign in US history. Everything you need to know about voting in one simple place. For official information from election experts and authorities.”
The platforms are giving simple links to voters and volunteers interested in getting involved -through which they can get plenty of ideas of what to do.