Prince Harry Allegedly Paid Frogmore Cottage Debt In Full To Completely Divorce Royal Family, And UK

Prince Harry reportedly made an important statement after he paid his Frogmore Cottage debt in full.
Initially, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were supposed to pay their debt monthly. But after purchasing a property in Santa Barbara, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex received flak from their critics.
They questioned why the couple still hasn’t paid their debt when they are already able to buy their own house in the United States.
Shortly after, a spokesperson for Prince Harry and Markle confirmed that the debt has been paid in full.
Now, National Enquirer is saying that there’s a deeper meaning to Prince Harry and Markle’s decision to pay for everything instead of shelling out $30,000 monthly.
“Harry always felt the weight of the public loan. He’s paid it back in full as one of the last stages in divorcing himself from the royal family and sadly, the UK itself,” the source said.
The insider also said that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s fans in the United Kingdom are saddened over the thought that they would see the couple less and less in the UK.
However, it seems that Prince Harry and Markle would have more reasons to go back to the United Kingdom because Frogmore Cottage is already theirs.
Meanwhile, Republic, an organization that campaigns for the abolishment of the monarchy, recently aired their grievance over Prince Harry and Markle’s ownership of Frogmore Cottage.
While speaking with Express, Graham Smith, the CEO of Republic said that the couple shouldn’t use Frogmore Cottage as their base in the United Kingdom.
“I think that would go down very badly with the general public. They may argue that the Crown Estate is getting the house back and they ought to pay for the refurbishment, but that refurbishment was done for Meghan and Harry to their specifications. They have got the money to pay for it. This property should be being used by the Crown Estate to raise money for the treasury. But it has not been doing that, it has been providing a home for Harry and Meghan,” he said.
Smith also said that it would be appalling if Prince Harry and Markle would eventually say that since they are not using Frogmore Cottage, they want their money back.