Kamala Harris Is Copying Melania Trump’s Style, People Don’t Like It

Joe Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris must not have imagined in her wildest dreams that people would troll her for the pair of shoes she chooses to don for an important visit. As odd as it may sound, it has, in fact, happened with the potential future Vice President.
Kamala Harris paid a visit to the devastation caused by California Wildfires wearing Timberland shoes, camel-colored. Nobody knows if it was an intentional move to copy or just a matter of coincidence, but Harris’ style was much similar to that of first lady Melania Trump’s.
Kamala wore a white t-shirt covered under a green jacked paired up with jeans and $140 footwear. In the year 2018, Melania Trump wore similar kind of shoes when she visited American troops at Asad Air Base in Iraq.
On Tuesday, Governor Gavin Newsom and Democratic Vice President candidate toured through the entire area of destruction and the Red Cross evacuation center. Harris talked about the importance of efforts to stop and prevent climate change that is wreaking havoc all across the globe – she might have laid down the essence of the topic, but as a matter of fact, social media was probing her Timberland boots that were shining out.
Twitter was sent into a frenzy, not that Kamala intended it, but it sort of happened that way. A variety of comments have done nothing but ripped off Kamala’s power style she sided with for Tuesday. It’s all about who wore it first. Of course, Melania wore it first and Kamala is copying her style. But a deeper look into the situation proves that there is nothing that Kamala may be trying to represent by copying her look.
However, this is not the first time that Kamala has copied Melania’s ‘Timba’ look. One year back, in August 2019, Kamala had sported the same pair of boots for her tour to a farm in Iowa.
Kamala has even posted one of the shots from the location on Instagram – she can be seen standing beside Gavin Newsom, wearing the camel-colored boots that have become the new subject of slamming for social media users.
Some reaction from opposition may be expected. Well, Melania doesn’t take delight in talking about such issues, but President Donald Trump may want to use this opportunity to troll his rivals.
Candidates from each party haven't missed even the minutest of slip-ups or departure from the norm by the other - and it will possibly go on until November 3.