“Stop Ballot Madness”: Trump Distrusts Mail-In Voting

Donald Trump has one more time launched his campaign against the mail-in voting system. Ever since the news of mail-in voting came about, Trump expressed his strong disapproval of the system telling it’s not an accurate way of tallying up the votes and there are doubts that may never be done away with this voting system.
Of late, Trump has claimed that the results of the November 3 election may not be legitimate because the calculations and process will be faulty.
The coronavirus alternative to normal voting, sending mail-in ballots to voters has in fact attracted criticism, to some extent as it is not considered to be equally transparent as the old normal means of voting.
However, not everything about it is being received in a straight manner, as a matter of fact, there is a flip side to the story which points towards the fear in Trump for election.
Provided the poll results, approval ratings, and current wave going on in the country, it’s likely that Trump is afraid that election results may not be in his favor. If that comes out to be so, the possibility of which is very high, Trump will have something to blame. Is that right? Well, it may be so, just another view of the situation.
In a recent tweet, the POTUS suggested that a large number of unsolicited ballots that will be delivered to American voters – which in itself is a sign that the result of the November 3 election may “never be actually determined.”
As per Trump, it’s just one of many election disasters for 2020. In addition, he urged people and administration to “stop ballot madness.” 80 million ballots have been made and sent out to voters who haven’t asked for them – it’s totally unfair and just a “fraud in making.” Once again, it’s a wrong fact, according to Reuters fact check, the number of registered voters in the country is only 44.2 million which is close to half of what Trump stated.
Other than Trump, nobody in the top layer of politics has questioned the credibility and effectiveness of mail-in ballots. Dems, as expected, didn’t miss the bait to attack Trump for casting doubts on the voting arrangement that happens to be the best possible alternative to physical voting which is not possible this year due to coronavirus.
Will it be a source of something in favor of Trump? It’s possibly just a way to seek people's attention.