Donald Trump Urged To Ramp-Up Coronavirus Testing Before People Return To Work

Some members of President Trump's recently formed council, industry leaders told him what health experts and governors have repeatedly been telling him about ramping up coronavirus testing before encouraging people to return to work.
An insider briefed on the discussions said industry leaders told the president that there needs to be a guaranteed extended coronavirus testing before people could return to work during their first phone call. This was the first task force teleconference aimed to come up with a plan for reopening America.
The aforesaid call lasted for nearly an hour and had participants from different sectors including retail, hospitality, food, and banking. A large number of participants praised Trump and his administration for their efforts to deal with this crisis and reopen the economy, the insider told CNN Politics.
Some conservative allies of the president urged him to talk to business leaders, hoping they would advise him to reopen parts of the country, contrary to the advice of Drs. Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, and other public health experts, who convinced him to extend social distancing guidelines by another month. Those allies the discussion with the coronavirus task force, and information it provides Trump rely heavily on models and worst-case public health scenarios.
They are convinced that it is imperative to come up with another panel inside the White House that looks at the situation from a different point of view that focuses on the economic effects of the pandemic. Those allies hoped this might counterbalance the pieces of advice the president gets the health experts.
Some of the president's advisers thought to have the American industry's approval on the administration's decision-making might lend credibility, while covering Trump's decision about how and when to allow certain areas in the country to reopen. Some fear if the White House rushes out too quickly, it could trigger a new wave of infection.
On Wednesday, Democrats and other members of Congress were sent unsolicited emails by the White House to inform them they were a part of the new council. A note obtained by CNN read: "I am emailing to inform you that the President has selected you to serve on a task force comprised of Senators and Members of the House of Representatives."
Explaining the purpose of the task force, the note said it would provide counsel to the president on re-opening of the United States amid the coronavirus pandemic. The task force's formal name hasn't yet been announced.