6,000 Military Members Have Been Killed by Covid-19, Joe Biden Wrongly Claims

Donald Trump’s Democratic rival Joe Biden may be following his footprints for election campaigns and promotions - 'back up with wrong data.'
On Wednesday, during a campaign event in Warren, Michigan, the Democratic presidential candidate was speaking about the crucial situation that the US is going through right now - the health threats, rampant violence, and financial insecurity.
Amid all these, the Democratic presidential nominee didn’t miss the opportunity to take a dig at the POTUS. Unfortunately, he backed up his attack on Trump with a wrong piece of data.
The former Vice President claimed that around 6000 military members have died due to the coronavirus in the country when the actual number of deaths of military servicemen from the pandemic is seven. The huge gap or rather mistake in numbers was explained by Biden’s campaign team shortly after the campaign.
According to Biden’s campaign team, the Democratic nominee confused the number of COVID deaths in the military with those for the entire state. The team further added on to say that Biden has a lot of respect for those serving in the military - 'men and women of the armed services.'
In conversation with Fox News, Joe Biden’s deputy rapid response director Michael Gwin said that the former Vice President keeps with him a card that details the number of military servicemen who have sacrificed their lives for our nation in ruthless battles in Iraq and Afghanistan. As per Gwin, Biden frequently updates the numbers to constantly remind himself of their importance and sacrifice.
Gwin also said that Biden considers it the “sacred duty” of the nation to look after them and their families and provide them with needed support when they're deployed and care for them when they return.
The slip-up was the mistaken part of the effort to highlight Trump’s alleged loose and disrespectful approach towards active military members. It can be guessed as it comes after Biden assailed Trump on reports that he disparaged dead military troops calling them ‘losers’ and ‘suckers.’
In addition to that, in the campaign, Biden also talked about how Trump’s response to coronavirus can be labeled as ‘almost criminal.’
On the whole, it can be said that the campaign attracted attention for a reason unwanted by Biden. Throughout the bulk of the campaign, the leaders haven't forsaken each other for even a bit, and Trump may not want to lose the opportunity to fire back at Biden exploiting the slip-up.