Justin Bieber Reflects On The Negativity Of His Teenage Ego

One of the biggest names in the pop-culture, Justin Bieber is a singer who has influenced the industry more than many - having broken multiple records and carving out a special place for himself in the industry.
As starry as it may sound, the controversial bit of Bieber’s career has been one of the major highlights. Although there has been a significant change in his attitude lately, the negativities of the past probably still bother him sometimes.
The singer opened up about the impact of “ego and power” on him and his attitude towards people. The Yummy singer holds his behavior responsible for the troubled relationships in his teen years which also includes his long-time relationship with Selena Gomez.
In his recent Instagram post, Justin Bieber shed light on how a simple boy from the small town of Stratford Ontario Canada went on to be what he didn't want to be during the initial days of his career.
The singer wrote that the "frustrations" and "insecurities" of his teenage year paved the path for failed relationships that suffered mainly because of his own attitude.
The singer also suggested that he never had any motivation for money or fame and it just happened with him without him knowing about it.
The 26-year-old thinks it’s not that it was deliberate, it just that his bad ego took over the control of his behavior and dictated him as to what to put his values into.
The All Around the World singer is counting on Christian faith to be a good man, a person who can be of value to society and people around him. Bieber wants to walk the path that god constructs for him without wanting to change it on his own. He is grateful to be able to walk with Jesus who leads his way.
Bieber has acknowledged having “selfish desires” but at the same time, he has expressed his wish to change for the better. The singer wrote that he wants to be a “good husband and future dad” - and wants to be guided by nothing but truth and love.
The post in a way sums up Bieber’s entire emotional graph from the beginning of his career to the unparalleled peak that he has scaled up. Since his marriage with singer Hailey Baldwin, Bieber seems calmer and maturer than ever before and he credits her for that.
It’ll be great to see where his talent takes him in the future.