CDC, FEMA Have Drafted A Back-To-Work Strategy To Reopen America

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) drafted a strategy to reopen the United States. The plan comprises instructions for local, as well as state governments on how to reopen the nation in phases to avoid any sort of damage, according to The Washington Post. While President Trump seems bent on reopening the country as soon as possible, experts suggest that lifting social distancing measures and other restrictions at this point could be too early.
CNN reached out to the government agencies for their comments. The Post got its hands on two parts of an eight-part long planning document. The official who divulged these details to the newspaper opted to remain anonymous.
If the report is anything to go by, the strategy has been split into three phases including readying the country until May 1 via a communication campaign and community readiness assessment, the Post said. The second phase involves increasing emergency funding and manufacturing testing kits and protective equipment. This would go through May 15.
This would be followed by staged reopenings, depending on local conditions. The plan strictly says the country will not be reopened before May 1. Facilities for kids such as schools and daycares will be given priority, the CDC response document suggests.
The plan insists on retaining some restrictions until either vaccine is available or there is broad immunity. The models also comprise a 30-day shelter in place, which is followed by the 180-day lifting of mitigation results in a large rebound curve.
The coronavirus task force and the White House have reportedly discussed the strategy. On Tuesday, Trump announced that his administration will roll out guidelines for reopening America. The POTUS also revealed that he would be each governor of each state to start reopening.
Keeping in line with that, Trump said he will discuss the plan with all 50 governors, suggesting that states that do not have major outbreaks are likely to reopen before May 1. The president also listed individuals and a large number of companies that will discourse about rebuilding the US economy with the White House following the coronavirus pandemic.
Grouped by industry, they are touted by the White House as "Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups." The White House will be revealing the list of lawmakers that it will be working alongside to bring these efforts to fruition on Wednesday, Trump added.
Governors across the nation are considering options to reopen schools and businesses in their respective states. Some of the governors have formed task forces and coalitions to come up with an effective plan to reopen the country, CNN reported.