Cardi B Opens Up About Harassment From Trump Supporters

Cardi B made her appearance on Instagram Live to explain why she speaks out against President Donald Trump, and why she will not stop urging her fans to vote in the impending election. Noting that she will not reveal her face in the video because she doesn't feel good, the rapper began the unexpected live session on Sept. 6.
Cardi B has been open about her criticism of Trump and has received a lot of criticism online for speaking out against the POTUS. The recently concluded Instagram Live session was prompted by one such Twitter fights with Trump supporter Candace Owens and conservative activist.
"It's not a secret that I use my platform for people to vote," she began the live session on Sunday night. She went on to say that she loves politics and endorses the Democratic party, and it is no secret that she doesn't support Trump. The rapper then revealed that Trump supporters have been harassing her online.
She accused Trump supporters of degrading her and making fun of her, while she continues to ignore them. The rapper recalled that things got so intense that a Trump supporter posted her address and urged people to dox her house, and put it on fire.
Concerned about her safety, she hired a private investigator, and served them with a warrant, and arrested the boy who encouraged netizens to dox her house. She revealed that the person who revealed her address online was a teenager, and her parents were shaken after learning about his posts.
She then took to Twitter to respond to Owens' comments about her recent interview with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, who Owens claim used her, just like Bernie Sanders used her, adding that none of them like or know her music. "They think you’re dumb," Owens tweeted on Sept. 6.
In another tweet, Owens said the rapper asking Biden to reduce her taxes in the same breath that she asked for free universal healthcare was about "as thick as it gets." Owens also reminded Cardi B that when someone resorts to music, they are likely to be left alone, and someone dabbles in politics, they get called out for platforming ignorance.
During her live video, Cardi pointed out that she can urge millions of her followers to go vote. Clapping back, she asked Owens if she thinks Biden is pandering because he is using a popular figure like her, adding that Trump panders as well too.
She then told Owens that she pays a lot of money in taxes and is a good American. Cardi also alluded to a video that her sister Hennessy sent her, which shows a white couple at a Hamptons beach is seen arguing with her because they are an Afro/Hispanic gay couple.