Bill Clinton Slams Donald Trump In His Democratic National Convention Speech

Former US President Bill Clinton blamed Donald Trump on Tuesday, claiming that he helped to spread misinformation in the initial stage of the coronavirus outbreak in the country, adding that it resulted in the country being hit harder by the pandemic. Speaking on day two of the virtual Democratic National Convention from his home in Chappaqua, New York, he blasted at the president's handling of the pandemic.
Clinton accused Trump transforming the White House into a "storm center" that delivered more chaos, rather than turning the Oval Office into a command center to combat the pandemic. He went on to point out that Trump said the virus was under control and even claimed that it would soon disappear, but it didn't.
On top of that, Trump appeared on TV daily talking boastingly about the great job he was doing while the country's scientists waited to offer important pieces of information, Clinton said. Aside from ignoring expert advice, he didn't urge people to wear masks until COVID-19 cases surged in numerous states across the country, but the virus had claimed several lives by then.
Noting that it didn't have to be this way, Clinton said COVID-19 hit America harder than it had to. The Trump campaign slammed Democrats, describing Clinton's speech as a "betrayal" of the "Me Too" movement. Responding to the criticism, The Republican National Committee pointed at Clinton's support of the trade deals that Trump accuses of hurting American workers and sending jobs out of the country, The Hill reported.
Clinton's appearance comes as part of the Democrats' attempt to tout Biden as the leader America needs to lead it out of the pandemic and economic slowdown. Clinton described the former vice president as a steady leader for a country in crisis.
Giving American people a very different choice, Clinton said they can choose between a "go-to-work president," who is a down-to-earth, get-the-job-done guy. He went on to describe the former vice president as a man on a mission to take responsibility rather than shifting the blame, one who concentrates and not distract, unite, not divide. "Our choice is Joe Biden,” he announced.
Clinton's remarks came before brief statements from former President Kennedy’s family members, and former President Carter and his wife, Rosalynn Carter. former President Carter, 95, deemed Biden as a loyal and dedicated friend and said he is the right person to lead America through these unprecedented times.