Ryan Reynolds Sends Message To Young People Regarding COVID-19

Ryan Reynolds called out young people in British Columbia for partying amid the coronavirus pandemic. The actor shared a recording on his social media following John Horgan, Premier of British Columbia's instructions.
Reynolds was requested by the Premier to ask the young people to stay in their houses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Besides the Canada native, another popular actor who hails from Canada, Seth Rogen was also requested the same.
The Deadpool star did exactly what the official expected him, took matters in his hands and delivered a message that was cheeky but effective for youngsters. The actor addressed the young people and said that he is aware of the fact that they are "partying" right now.
"I'm not sure it's a great idea, frankly. People, I don't think they want medical advice from guys like me, no sir. Unless it's plastic surgery. Which, a lot of people don't know this, but I used to be Hugh Jackman," he said.
The 43-year-old actor told that it is dangerous to party at the moment as young people are not just suffering from the virus but also dying because of it. He further said that the effects are extremely terrible on the most vulnerable people around.
The Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place star acknowledged that British Columbia consists of some "coolest" elderly citizens on the planet. The actor mentioned David Suzuki, a Canadian academic as one of the coolest people. The actor went on and finally mentioned his own mother.
Reynolds said that his mother doesn't wish to stay indoors all the time. He jokingly disclosed that his mother wishes to be "cruising" on the Kitsilano Beach and check out some young man wearing Abercrombie.
The Critics' Choice Entertainer of the Year Award winner made a strong statement as he hoped that these young partying people doesn't kill his mother, Suzuki, or even one another. However, the actor concluded his statement by sharing his kind of party that includes gin glass and Gossip Girl's initial 32 seasons.
The statement came following the increased cases reported by the Global News. The reports revealed that most of the new cases are related to people between 20-year-old to 30-year-old.
Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer spoke about the concern related to the virus spreading among young people due to indoor parties. He noted that guests in these indoor house parties are usually drinking and most of them meet each other for the first time.