Prince Charles Vs. Princess Anne: Is Harry's Dad Desperate To Outshine His Sister?

Sibling rivalry is a tale as old as time, the royal family members are no exception to this. History has shown that the royals were brutal when it came to rivalry within the family, fighting for support from noble houses and going into wars with each other. But these were the olden times, today rivalry is a different story, today, rivalries are seen as who is a much better royal especially when it comes to interacting with the masses and how involved one is in charities and organizations.
Princess Anne, Prince Charles’ younger sister is a well-known philanthropist. She is said to be involved in a number of charities not just back home in Britain but all over the world.
It is reported that Princess Anne is involved in as many as 300 charities and have attended over 500 engagements just last year. Prince Anne is well known for her crazy work ethic.
According to royal commentators Roberta Fiorito and Rachel Bowie, this work ethic has gathered some huge jealousy from Prince Charles. They commented that Prince Charles is only on the top tier as a most hard-working royal because he is the next in line to the throne and that he is given more assignments just for this reason.
While Princess Anne is far down the line when it comes to inheriting the throne but she has been more hardworking than anyone else in the royal family.
“The only person that has eclipsed her in past years is Prince Charles. But I'm wondering if that's on purpose because of the hierarchy and the line of succession. He just does more events to make sure he is known as the hardest-working royal. Because he's going to be King, he needs a little nudge above his royal sister,” Ms. Bowie said.
As of right now the royal family has yet to resume face to face engagements and has stuck to virtual meetings with the organizations they are involved in. Fans of the royals have been keeping tabs on who is doing more meetings during the pandemic.
The fans are finding out that as of now, Prince Charles is leading in virtual engagement with the numerous charities and organizations he is involved with. He is followed closely by his son, Prince William, who is the third line to the throne.
Many royal fans still believe that Princess Anne is the most hard-working royal and that Prince Charles has nothing against her sister.