Louis C.K. Gets Interrupted By A Heckler During Dave Chappelle's Show

Louis C.K. has become one of the most controversial standup comedians following the sexual misconduct allegations. Recently, the standup comedian appeared on Dave Chappelle's show that highlighted the comedian.
While all the details of the show were kept secret, C.K.'s appearance made headlines. The fans speculated whether the comedian performed at the show and how the audience took the show following the accusations.
As per Entertainment Weekly, the comedian did present his jokes on the show called Dave Chappelle & Friends: An Intimate Socially Distanced Affair in Yellow Springs, Ohio. The show is also called Chappelle's Summer Camp on the internet.
The 52-year-old comedian did not only attend the show but also performed but stayed a "secret headliner" for the show. His set was performed after Mo Amer, Michelle Wolf, and Chappelle.
"It was a mixed-to-positive reaction at the beginning. He was not really on his game and he got some hecklers about halfway through. Everybody was on pins and needles. Of all the people that could've been the secret headliner, it was way out of left field," the source revealed.
What grabbed the most attention in his 20-minute performance was the heckler who interrupted the jokes. One of the comments made was based on the allegations regarding the sexual misconduct the comedian was charged.
While the comic did an impression of a random person and asked all the audience members for the feedback, someone from the 250 attendees said that "How about the toilet seat you jerked off on?" However, the source explained that other members of the audience were shocked.
The comic responded to the heckler and said that he doesn't perform his "best material" on the stage. The comeback from the comic received great laughs and it seemed that he wasn't ready with his material.
Although C.K. seemed to be trying out some undeveloped material to the audience because he was carrying a notebook on the stage. This set was completely different than what he used to perform.
The comic had attracted negative controversy following his remark on transgender and the shooting survivors of Parkland. At this moment, the comedian doesn't seem to be looking forward to taking a dig at politics or any controversial topics for sure.
According to a member who attended the show, confirmed that everyone seemed to be pretty uncomfortable when C.K. started his set. To make the atmosphere light before C.K.'s performance, Chappelle gave a respectable introduction and said how much he admired C.K.