Ayaan Hirsi Ali Raises Concerns About Joe Biden Promoting Sharia Law

Hoover Institution research fellow Ayaan Hirsi Ali called out Joe Biden, asking the former vice president to apologize to American people. The Presumptive Democratic nominee was addressing to Muslim voters when he quoted prophet Muhammad pronouncing Sharia law.
Ali made an appearance on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight, where Carlson played multiple footages from Biden's July 20 remarks. In the clips, Biden vows to put an end on Donald Trump's Muslim ban on the first day he takes the office. The former vice president goes on to say that he wishes American schools teach more about the Islamic faith, and people discussed more openly about other confessional faiths.
Ali pointed out that in one of his speeches, Biden quotes Prophet Muhammad saying if you see something wrong, use your hand. If you aren't able to use your hand, use your tongue, but you can't use your tongue, then use your heart. She went on to explain that Biden was trying to enforce Sharia law, describing his remarks as "vigilantism on steroids."
A Muslim, or someone who grew within Islam trying to change it, or just a good American Muslim, Ali said, is being approached by Biden, who is suggesting the enforcement of Sharia law. While she admitted that she supports Biden for his fight against anti-Muslim discrimination, and support to stop bullying Muslim children, Ali said she was alarmed about who put these words in the former vice president's mouth.
Born in Somali, East Africa, Ali became an atheist after leaving the Muslim faith. She said Sharia law focuses on "commanding right and forbidding wrong," which she told the editor-in-chief of The Daily Caller she couldn't believe Biden was promoting in the year 2020.
While she said she realizes that Biden, like most Americans, do not know what he was doing, but he is backed by a campaign team that should have done its research before allowing him to make such remarks. She then suggested that Biden should "apologize profusely" to the American people, particularly those Muslims in the country who have embraced the foundational principles of the United States.
By doing so, Ali explained, Biden would be showing a great trait of leadership. She went on to say that the people who told him to say those things are part of the Islamist groups, called the Muslim Brotherhood. She also said Biden's campaign team, who looks after him wasn't on red alert, and as a result, he ended up saying these things.