Prince Charles Shock: Duke Expected To Feel 'Great Sadness' If Queen Elizabeth Abdicates

The British throne is one of the most recognized seats of power in the world and it has seen the rise and fall of many ruling monarchs. Prince Charles, the next in line to the throne is set to succeed his mother, Queen Elizabeth II when she passes away. The Queen at 94 years of age is currently the longest-reigning monarch, she was crowned in 1952 and is considered to be one of the most powerful women on the planet.
Prince Charles has been preparing for his succession for almost five decades now and is considered to be the most prepared successor in the British royalty. The Queen on the other hand was only 25 when she took over the throne and only had approximately a decade to prepare for her succession.
For Prince Charles to succeed the Queen, Her Majesty must pass away first, and despite the decades of preparation, nothing will prepare prince Charles for the huge sadness that he will experience on the Queen’s passing. This news puts Prince Charles immediately in a struggle with sadness upon his succession.
“It’s this weird thing you have with Royals. I spoke to the Prince of Wales about this – to get the top job, you are essentially wishing your parent or grandparent to be dead. For Charles to be King his mother would have to die, for William to be King, his father would have to die – nobody wants that,” expert Penny Junor said on Prince Charles’ future succession, per Daily Express.
Tumultuous as this rule goes, the sadness that Prince Charles will experience shall pass and the Prince will be greatly prepared as the reigning sovereign and dealing with unfinished matters of his country.
The rule of succession not only applies to the current next in line to the throne, but it also applies to Prince Charles’ son, his successor Prince William and to Prince William’s successor, and so on and so forth. It is well known that neither royal is in a hurry to take there place as the reigning sovereign.
News circulating of Queen Elizabeth II bypassing Prince Charles as her successor and directly crowning Prince William as reigning sovereign has been up in the air for some time now, but these are all just rumors.
Prince Charles’ succession will be one of the most awaited moments in modern history. Many already believe that the Prince will be a force to reckon, not just in Britain but all over the world.