Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie requested for removal of a private judge who is in charge of settling her and Brad Pitt’s divorce case. The actress says the judge should be removed as he has not disclosed his business relationships with one of the attorneys of her former husband.

The Maleficent actress asked for the disqualification of a private judge who is in charge of settling her divorce from her former spouse. She argued that he did not offer adequate disclosure of his business links with one of the Troy actor’s attorneys. 


Angie had filed her divorce case in 2016 and argued that John W. Ouderkirk who is overseeing her case should be asked to relinquish the case. It seems there is an ongoing customer relationship between Pitt’s counsel and the private judge. 


Further, Jolie has stated that her former husband’s counsel was actively recommending the judge’s financial interests. The Salt actress feels such a relationship may affect the final judgment. 


There was no response to an email written to Kiley, as well as, Lance Spigel, who is the actor’s lead attorney. Even the judge remained noncommittal when an email seeking his response was sent. 


Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, similar to many other celebrity couples have been paying for getting a private judge to oversee their divorce case. It is to ensure that their financial and personal details remain sealed and confidential. However, some of the legal steps should be taken according to the standard courtroom procedures. 


Jolie’s filing signifies that even a private judge should adhere to the similar regulations applicable to conflict of interest and disclosure just like other judges. Further, the filing states that it is immaterial whether the judge is biased or not. 


Under the given circumstances, the private judge’s ability to be unbiased while settling the issues is doubtful. While the actress’s lawyers have asked for private proceedings so that Ouderkirk can remove himself, the filing insists the actor’s side wants to retain him, ABC News reports. 


Jolie and Pitt were officially declared divorced in April 2019 when The Eternals actress dropped Pitt from her name. The development took place when lawyers of both parties requested for a bifurcated judgment. It means that while a married couple may be pronounced by the court as single, other issues such as child custody and finances will be sorted out separately. 


As a majority of their documents are sealed, there is no clarity on which issues are still unresolved. However, the actress filed papers two years ago claiming that her former husband was paying insufficient child support.


However, Brad Pitt’s counsels disputed her claims and called Angelina Jolie’s file an attempt to exploit media coverage of their split. They had been a couple for more than a decade and remained married for just two years, CTV News reports.