Expert Forecast: Prince Charles To Struggle After Taking Over Queen Elizabeth

A variety of new developments have been taking place in and around the royal house. One of those new developments is the talk of a new top royal - being the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles is set to take up the royal throne and be the next King. However, due to certain situations, the passage of power may actually leave Prince Charles in discomfort.
According to royal expert Penny Junor, once the power shifts hands from the Queen to Prince Charles, things around the Prince may get melancholic.
The expert’s forecast has bewildered almost everybody, but she has, in fact, got a point to back up her forecasting - however, it wasn’t very difficult to guess what could be the possible reason.
Despite a world of a wait to become the king, Prince would not be happy to get what he longed for his entire life, says Junor. The expert has said that since the Queen has to be dead for Prince Charles to be the King, it would be more sadness than happiness for the oldest son.
This is probably the hardest part of being a royal – to be on the top, the junior has to wish that the senior dies. But in this case, it's different due to love.
Not only the Prince of Wales but also his son Prince William is in ‘no rush’ to be the king despite his grandmother’s alleged wish to anoint him as the next king skipping Prince Charles.
Royal commentator, Nick Bullen has suggested that the bond in the family is strong and the royals are perfectly happy with their current roles and superiors.
Although the Prince of Wales has been eyeing on the royal throne since forever, he is not so keen to replace his mother soon. And the same reason applies to Prince William also who keeps his grandmother and father before himself.
In case, Prince Charles gets the royal throne, he will be the first Prince of Wales to be trained to be king since 1910’s coronation of King Edward VIII.
According to what Junor says, Prince Charles will be the ‘most prepared monarch’ Britain has ever had and his power will impact the whole world not just Britain.
The Queen became the heir apparent when she was only 10 and after her father died unexpectedly due to cancer, she became the Queen at the age of 25. For the past multiple decades, the Queen has done a wonderful job, so taking over her would certainly not be easy as pie.