James Wan Is Developing 'Knight Rider' Remake Movie

The Aquaman director James Wan isn’t directing this time instead he has taken the helm in his hands to produce the movie based on David Hasselhoff’s crime drama television series Knight Rider.
The original Knight Rider series aired between 1982 to 1986 summing up to 90 episodes in four seasons. David Hasselhoff starred as Michael Knight, an undercover agent for the Foundation for Law and Government (FLAG). The series featured the next level thriller-action theme which was considered unprecedented at that time.
James Wan will be producing the movie through his own production company Atomic Monster alongside his fellow Michael Clear. Wan and Clear have collaborated on several occasions – the upcoming psychological horror Malignant is also being produced by the two in collaboration. Besides Wan and Clear, Judson Scott is executive producing the film. The in-charge of the screenplay is the acclaimed screenwriter TJ Fixman.
All considered the behind-the-camera team appears pretty power-packed both from the angle of experience and creativity. However, the names of the actors have not been disclosed yet, in fact, nothing in relation to casting or the background of the movie has been discussed.
According to the reports, the movie will seek to run on the same principle as the show's original essence – maintaining “The anti-establishment tone of the original.”
The original series presented a cool detective who was unpredictive, innovative in his ways, and stylish – he would throw on a long leather jacket on his bare body and was always ready to lock horns with troubles of any sort. Unusual for those days, the detective even owned a powerful A.I. powered supercar named KIIT which stands for Knight Industries Two Thousand.
Thanks to its incredible plot and execution, within a very short span of time, the series became a watching addition for those who had an affinity with sci-fi adventures, action, and detective movements.
It is due to its strong popularity that the show spawned multiple spin-offs and sequels in the form of Code of Vengeance, Team Knight Rider, and Knight Rider 2010, etc.
For fans who were missing Knight Rider, the detective story is coming back in a bigger package than ever before - the modern time is sure to help in the enhancement of the action, drama, and sci-fi thrilling moments.
However, the release date is supposed to be farther than expected and in all likelihood, it may be theatrically released worldwide. Previous projects based on Knight Rider failed to turn heads, but this one seems different and the expectation is sky-high.