Alyssa Milano Reveals She Tested Positive For COVID-19 Antibodies

Alyssa Milano has tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies after she fell ill during the coronavirus pandemic. The actress said her coronavirus tests came negative twice at the end of Mar., adding that she had also tested negative for the COVID-19 antibody after she thought she started feeling better.
Milano,47, took to her Instagram account to reveal her positive results earlier this week. The Melrose Place alum wrote that she had every symptom associated with COVID-19 earlier, but her tests came negative for the novel coronavirus when she was sick.
The Instagram post was accompanied by a photo showing Milani wearing what looks like a mask attached to a breathing machine. Describing the picture, she wrote this is how she looked on Apr. 2nd after being ill for a couple of weeks, adding that she had never been this kind of sick before.
"Everything hurt. Loss of smell," she went on to explain in the post. Milano said she felt like an elephant was sitting on her chest and she couldn't breathe or keep food in her. As a result, she lost 9 pounds in just two weeks and had no idea what was going on aside from knowing that she had a low-grade fever.
Making things worse, Milano said she had horrible headaches too. Surprisingly, she tested negative for coronavirus two times earlier this year, and her COVID-19 antibody test came negative as well. Noting that the COVID-19 antibody test was conducted with a finger prick method, the actress said it was performed after she started feeling a bit better, PEOPLE reported.
Much to her chagrin, Milano continued experiencing lingering symptoms such as heart palpitations, zero short term memory, shortness of breath, general malaise, stomach abnormalities, vertigo, and irregular periods for the past four months. She decided to take another test for the COVID-19 antibody at a lab where they draw blood to be sure of her diagnosis.
Along with a screenshot of her latest test results, Milano wrote that she tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies, confirming that she had COVID-19. She attributed her decision to go public with her experience to let her social media followers that the testing system isn't accurate, meaning, the real numbers are still unknown.
She went on to say that COVID-19 is not a hoax. Sharing her experience, Milano said she thought she was on the verge of dying. The former Who's The Boss? star is planning to donate her plasma hoping that she might be able to save a life.