Guy Benson slammed Nancy Pelosi over her criticism of Dr. Deborah Birx. The political pundit said on The Guy Benson Show that she proved that she was a "slimeball politician" by attacking the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator's character.

Benson opened Monday's show by posing a question.  He asked whether or not American people should be listening to the scientists and experts like Dr. Birx, and called Pelosi a slimeball politician, a bad person, and a nasty piece of work for criticizing her. He noted that Birx and her fellow White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci have faced criticism throughout the pandemic.

Benson went on to say that no one in the media came to her defense when Pelosi, allegedly, called her "the worst" during a closed-door meeting that took place last week, POLITICO reported. On top of that, Pelosi openly admitted over the weekend that she had lost confidence in the 64-year-old physician and diplomat who served as the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator for Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump since 2014.

The Fox News contributor pointed out that Birx is credentialed, and went on to support by noting that she is smart, thoughtful and is trying to deal with several political landmines, and she is doing it quite well and elegantly. Benson then noted that despite her efforts, Pelosi just dumped over her and is not even denying it.

He described Pelosi's remarks as a "guilt by association response." She took a very personal, ugly jab at Birx and then justified it by saying it is guilt by association with Donald Trump. Benson said it looked like it was all about women supporting women until Pelosi blasted at Birx simply because she feels like she has not been a part of the resistance.

Benson says Pelosi gets the courage to make such outrageous statements because rarely gets any criticism except conservative media. Imitating Pelosi's internal monologue, he said she feels she can say whatever she wants about whomever and she doesn't need to even apologize or think twice about it.

Pelosi feels she can get away with it because the level of scrutiny, media panic, hair-tearing-out, and rending of clothes is all one-sided and performative, Benson said. He said Pelosi realizes that she is taking advantage, which is really gross and called her a bad person.

Just like Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx is no stranger to receiving criticism. She is one of the White House Coronavirus Task Force's key members.