Ryan Reynolds’ Benevolent Side Revealed, Declares $5K As Reward Money For Return Of Woman’s Missing Teddy Bear: Report

Ryan Reynolds wishes to ensure that a Vancouver woman gets back her stolen teddy bear by declaring prize money of $5,000 to anyone who could track it down.
The Deadpool actor came across a news item shared by CBC TV wherein Mara Soriano, a Canadian woman lost her black backpack, which had her favorite stuffed bear, a Nintendo Switch, an iPad, and some crucial documents.
The woman is least concerned about her misplaced electronic items but the stolen bear was immensely dear for her. It meant a lot to her because it featured her mother’s voice who passed away in June 2019 after succumbing to cancer, Entertainment Weekly reports.
The father-of-three took to Twitter and offered a reward of $5,000 to any person who could track the bear and return it to Soriano. He also mentioned that all would love to see the lost bear come back to its owner.
Soriano mentions how her mother’s voice altered to become gentler after she was admitted to the hospital. Her voice recording was fed to the missing teddy bear. It was the last audio recording of her mother before her voice changed.
She also revealed how much her mom loved her and she would always be with her. Ryan Reynolds’ selfless gesture has motivated his fans and admirers to add or match his contribution. Some fans are even contributing to Sunnybrook Hospice, the woman’s preferred organization.
It is the same hospital that cared for her late mother when she was fighting against cancer. For instance, George Strombolupolus, a chat show host from Canada, as well as, Rawson Thurber, a director contributed $5,000 to the kitty respectively.
Some other prominent celebs who promoted her story on their social media accounts include PJ Byrne, Zach Braff, and Dan Levy. The bear is important not only for the recorded voice but it also reminds her of home.
Meanwhile, a restaurant owner captured a man on a security clip, which spots him looking around him suspiciously to ensure that no one was around before trying to grab the bag and then leaving the place.
In other related news, as Taylor Swift’s Betty gets released, there have been speculations among her fans that the songstress might have shared the name of her close pals Reynolds and Blake Lively’s youngest daughters into her song’s lyrics.
An unnamed insider told that her song was partially called so for Ryan Reynolds’ third daughter, who was born on Oct 4, 2019, People magazine reports.