Donald Trump Calls National Poll Showing Joe Biden Leading Him By 8 Percent As Fake

The latest national poll from Fox News suggests Joe Biden is leading Donald Trump by a significant 8 percent, but Donald Trump declined last week to say he would accept the results of the upcoming election. The president claimed he is not losing because those are fake polls.
Last week, Trump denied saying he would accept the 2020 election results, noting that he will have to see and made baseless allegations against mail-in voting, claiming it is subject to manipulation. The president made these remarks during an interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday.
Aside from repeatedly downplaying the coronavirus during the interview, Trump blasted at the so-called cancel culture. With 3.7 million people testing positive for COVID-19 in the United States, the virus has claimed about 140,131 lives in the country, according to Johns Hopkins University data.
Wallace unveiled the results of Fox News’ latest national poll during the interview, showing former vice president Joe Biden leading Trump by 8 percent. Moreover, the poll also showed Biden leading on specific areas, including a 1 percent lead over the president on the economy.
When the results were revealed, Trump described the findings as fake polls. He said the results were fake even in 2016, and are even more fake now. When Wallace asked if he will accept defeat graciously if he ended up losing the election, the president said it depends and echoed claims he has been making in the past about the mail-in voting leading to voter fraud.
Several states across the country are making efforts to adopt mail-in voting to restrict the spread of the still-raging coronavirus, given that it is likely to spread more rapidly at in-person voting locations in Nov. Trump had slammed efforts by Michigan and Nevada officials to promote vote-by-mail access, claiming without evidence that they will encourage voter fraud.
Trump repeated his claim about mail-in voting going to rig the election in the recently concluded interview. He even declined to directly answer when Wallace asked he would accept the results of the 2020 election, saying he will not say yes or a no before inspecting.
The president downplayed the coronavirus pandemic earlier in the interview blaming increased testing for the recent surge in cases and claiming several infected people automatically recover from the virus. This does not coincide with reports from health officials who suggest that new cases have surpassed testing, indicating that the virus is spreading faster in communities across the United States.