Meghan Markle Still Being Dubbed As 'Evil Princess', Being Compared To Kate Middleton

Despite leaving their royal life behind, Meghan Markle still can't escape being compared to the other royal. It seems that people are determined to dub her as the evil princess while Kate Middleton is described as the good one.
This March 31, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have officially stepped away from their duties and have begun to transition to their non-royal life. But even after their efforts to keep away have not stopped the rumors from arising against Prince Harry's wife.
So many have portrayed actress Meghan Markle as the evil princess of the story. While Kate Middleton, Prince William's wife is portrayed as a good and righteous counterpart. The documentary 'Megan Markle: Escaping the Crown' tackled the rise of the Duchess. It delves just how powerful the media is when it comes to portraying the princess.
The issue that there is a feud between Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle is not new. In fact, Express UK has stated that a report has claimed that Kate was left in tears just before the wee=dding of Meghan and Harry. It allegedly happened during a dress fitting for the wedding.
Many have also noticed that not only Kate and Meghan have a feud, but the brothers as well. Followers of the royal couple were quick to point out instances where it seems that the two couples would barely acknowledge each other during public events.
Now that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have sought fewer duties as a royal couple and financial independence, we are yet to see just how it will impact the relationship between the couple. Add to the fact that Harry and Meghan have left the UK and will spend most of their time in North America.
They were originally settled on Vancouver Island, but it seems that they have made their way to California instead. But it looks like they won't be getting a warm welcome as President Donald Trump has made a statement that they would not be paying for any security costs for the protection of the royal couple.
But Prince Harry and Meghan were quick to retaliate with their own statement, saying that they have no plans to ask the government for security. They announced that they have already arranged for private security throughout their stay in the country.
It looks like the couple will be staying in the United States for the duration of the pandemic. There is no word that they are planning to visit Harry's father Prince Charles, who recently announced that he was positive for the COVID-19.