David Schwimmer Speaks About HBO Max Reunion Special

David Schwimmer along with his former co-stars have entertained audiences every week without fail. Although due to ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the delayed reunion special of Friends is back on HBO Max.
Fans have been hotly anticipating this reunion for a decade to see their favorite sitcom stars to have a get together one last time or probably start something new. Even the actors are equally excited to be together.
Recently, Schwimmer who portrayed Ross Geller's character on Friends disclosed the part he is actually excited about. None of the rumors have lasted over a decade in the business and it seems Friends is one of those rare sitcoms that has kept fans on an edge, still.
There have been rumors about rebooting the series or having a reunion and even the star cast has been open about in love with the idea of coming together again, but nothing has materialized since.
Finally, the dream of reunion is coming true after Warner Media’s latest venture of the online streaming platform came into existence, HBO Max. However, it seems fans had different expectations from this reunion than what is going to happen on the stream.
While it was expected for all the actors to portray their respective characters in continuation, it seems the reunion special is going to be nothing but an unscripted discussion of the show that ended in 2004.
Even after years, the sitcom has remained the most loved series in the history of television, and the HBO Max reunion special might feature the impact it has created rather than actors being in-character.
Schwimmer who played the love interest of Jennifer Aniston’s Rachel character for almost a decade discussed what part of the reunion special is he looking forward to seeing.
“Being on the actual soundstage on the actual set for the first time in 10 years, the set that we shot on for 10 years, that to me is going to be a really meaningful experience,” the actor explained. It is something relatable for his fans as even they have invested emotionally and devoted a significant part of their time watching Friends every week.
It is no surprise that all six actors have been good friends even in real life and stayed connected even off-screen. As the stars feel nostalgic about revisiting the sets they have worked on for over a decade, the HBO Max reunion special seems to be much closer to everyone, personally.