Melania Trump Repeatedly 'Abandoned' By Donald Trump In Various Engagements

Ever since Melania Trump and Donald Trump officially became the First Couple of the United States, their marriage has become one of the most controversial topics among reports. As it appears, many people are convinced that the First Lady is not happy with her marriage to the incumbent President.
Since then, several reports have followed their relationship. Based on assertions, Melania has been repeatedly left behind by her husband, especially on public events.
Earlier this week, the same narrative made it again to the headlines. According to Express UK, President Donald Trump seemingly "abandoned" Melania Trump as he ran up the stairs of the Air Force One, leaving his wife behind in "freezing cold" weather.
It was noted that the First Lady "wrapped herself" in a scarf when she ran towards the aircraft, and behind her husband. The clip showing the whole scenario immediately got the attention of many and deemed it as a very "awkward moment."
However, the publication shared that this was not the first time that the President of the United States left his wife behind. It was also revealed that these instances were always caught on camera, which further adds to the general reception that Melania Trump and Donald Trump are not happily married.
Just a few days before the Air Force One incident, reports shared that the President appears to have forgotten his wife upon boarding the Marine One helicopter on the lawn of the White House. But, before fully boarding the ride, he then reportedly looked back as if he realized that the "First Lady was not by his side."
As per the same publication, many reports even titled their headlines as "Forgetting Melania" after the incident, which was caught on cameras. Even so, it was revealed that several individuals defended the President claiming that he did not forget his wife.
Some fans and supporters also, reportedly, shared that Donald Trump stopped to wait for Melania Trump. "He waited for her like a good husband," one fan commented.
Amid all controversies surrounding the First Couple's marriage and, while many people believe that they are unhappy, especially the First Lady, New York Post's Miranda Devine previously revealed that a lot of sources, notably those who attended the State Dinner for the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morison, claimed that Melania and Donald has a very "real marriage" and "genuine affection" for each other. It was attested that the US President even paid tribute to Melania for her efforts that night.