Trump Administration Submits A Notice Of Withdrawal From The WHO

Donald Trump has been critical of the WHO’s handling of the pandemic for quite some time now, and what he deemed as its pro-China bias. Keeping in line with that, the Trump administration has submitted a notice of withdrawal to Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres.
A senior administration official confirmed the news to Fox News on July 7. The White House also informed congressional lawmakers about the official removal, which will be effective from July next year. United States Senator Bob Menendez tweeted that Congress has been informed that Trump officially withdrew America from the WHO amid an ongoing pandemic.
Claiming that deeming Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic as chaotic and incoherent doesn't do it justice, Menendez said the move will neither protect American people's lives nor their interests. He argued that withdrawing from the WHO will leave Americans sick and the country alone.
On July 7, Guterres' spokesperson confirmed that the organization received a notice of withdrawal from the Trump administration. Senate Health Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander, R- Tenn said the WHO can be held responsible after the pandemic, condemning Trump's one-sided decision.
The Republican senator released a statement noting that he does not agree with the president's decision. Alexander said while it is important to take a good, hard look at the coronavirus related mistakes the WHO made, but the time to do that is after the pandemic is over, not in the midst of it.
Alexander argued that withdrawing the United States' membership with the WHO could lead to delayed vaccine trials and could hinder its ability to work with other countries to restrict the viruses before they reach the country. He said if the administration had specific suggestions for reforms of the organization, it should give those to Congress, and they can work together to ensure those came to fruition.
Former vice president Joe Biden, on the other hand, said he would join the WHO on his first day in the White House if he gets elected. Biden took to his Twitter handle to share his opinion, pointing out that Americans are safer when the country is involved in improving global health.
Citing the organization's failure to make the requested and much-needed reforms, Trump had announced that the U.S. will withdraw its membership from the organization in May. During a Rose Garden event, he told reporters that America would use those funds to support other worldwide and more deserving urgent global public health needs.
Trump accused the Chinese government of the misfeasance the world is currently suffering. Aside from that, he announced a myriad of measures targetting China in response to its conduct on multiple fronts such as trade, COVID-19, and its crackdown on Hong Kong.