Mandy Moore Questions Ryan Adams' Apology

Ryan Adams may have apologized, but one of his more prominent victims, actress and singer Mandy Moore, is not exactly accepting that apology.
The Los Angeles Times reports that the 36-year-old entertainer told the Today show that she found it “curious” that Adams could write an apology that would then be published in a newspaper but could not talk to her and privately apologize.
Moore said that while she isn’t looking for an apology, she found it unusual that Adams could not reach out to her privately and make amends. Instead, she said he opted to make an apology in public but to not mention any specific names.
The public apology Moore is talking about is the one Adams made over the weekend in the form of an exclusive letter published in the Daily Mail. In it, Adams owned up to mistreating people during his time in music. He also predicted Moore’s reaction when he acknowledged that his public apology would not be accepted by all of the people he has mistreated.
Adams also revealed that he has sought professional help to get sober and that he views his journey to sobriety as the top priority in his life right now. He also pointed out that just because he has grown as a person over the past year, the people he has hurt are under no obligation to forgive him.
As detailed by Elle, Adams’s legal troubles began last year when the New York Times interviewed seven women who alleged they were victims of Adams’s controlling and manipulative behavior. The women claimed that Adams would ask for sexual favors in exchange for mentoring them and would abuse them verbally and emotionally if they refused.
Moore was one of the women interviewed in the New York Times piece and she described Adams as “psychologically abusive.” She also claimed that he verbally harassed her and undermined her music career by preventing her from making industry connections during her 20s.
The reckoning happening for Adams is just the most recent incident of male celebrities being accused of sexual misconduct. Recently, Mythbusters host Adam Savage was sued by his sister, Miranda Pacchiana, for allegedly sexually assaulting her between the ages of seven and 10.
Both actor Ansel Elgort and singer Justin Bieber were also accused of sexual assault on Twitter. Elgort has denied the accusation made against him while Bieber has filed a defamation lawsuit against his two accusers, asking for $20 million total in damages.