Former George W. Bush Officials Launch New Group To Support Joe Biden

A group comprising former members of George W. Bush’s administration and those who worked on his presidential campaigns created a new super PAC, urging Republicans that are browned off by Donald Trump to vote for Joe Biden. Dubbed as 43 Alumni for Biden, the group focuses on uniting and mobilizing a historically Republican voters community, comprising members who are angry at Trump's presidency for the damage it has done to America.
43 Alumni for Biden's Twitter account describes it as a group of alumni who served President Bush and other GOP presidents, along with governors and Congress who support Biden. The recently formed organization announced the launch of its new campaign to elect Biden the next president.
This anti-Trump Republican group will be leaving no stone unturned in a bid to defeat Trump in the impending general election. The Lincoln Project, which was launched in 2019, and Republicans for the Rule of Law, which launched this spring, wasted no time in going up with TV spots to criticize the president and support Biden.
A few days ago, a group comprising former Bush and Trump administration officials came up with The Right Side PAC. Their goal is to create a multi-million-dollar campaign that targets, identifies, and turns out Republicans that are unhappy with Trump to vote for Biden. The new group clarified that its Republican members are not leaving the GOP.
Noting that many of them continue to remain Republicans, the group said it is proud of the principles they adopted when working together and its members are grateful to have voted, campaigned and, worked for several great Republican leaders. The group said it endorses former vice president Biden not in opposition to political affiliation, but in service to the United States, which requires a greater obligation rather than partisan politics or party.
While the president enjoys significant popularity among Republicans, there are some cracks in his support, which were revealed in the Fox News national poll. Conducted two weeks ago, the poll showed 13 percent of Republicans said they did not approve of the job Trump was doing as the POTUS, and 6 percent of Republicans said if the elections were held today, they would vote for Biden.
Aside from landing the backing by 43 Alumni for Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee also received the support of the over two-decade-old progressive organization MoveOn. Millions of members of the Political action committee are waiting with bated breath to support Biden, working to turn out voters in key states and making sure Trump remains a one-term president, MoveOn said in a statement.